Cedar Ridge High School
Lady Raiders Softball
Booster Club Information
The Cedar Ridge Softball Booster Club is made up of parents and supporters of Cedar Ridge Softball. The purpose of the club is to support our softball players on and off the field. Parents are the backbone of the organization and support the girls in a variety of ways including, but not limited to:
Attend games
Arranging player meals for home games
Hosting team dinners
Fundraising and concessions
Photographing events
Creating the annual program
Celebrating the season with a year-end banquet
Examples of how Booster Club funds have been spent include:
Building of our locker room, installation of collegiate-style lockers
Awarded appreciation gifts to each graduating Senior
Provided flowers and balloons for Senior Night recognition at a game
Provided end-of-the-year coaches appreciation gifts
Provided farewell gifts to all graduating Senior players
Hosted end-of-the-season banquet and celebration for all players and families
Created volunteer opportunities for players to earn community service hours while helping the community
Parent representatives from each team volunteer to coordinate projects and become the decision-makers for the club. As a booster club member your family has the opportunity to get involved in the school and get to know other Ridge families, and stay connected with their daughters.
100% Participation!
This can only happen with your help!
Please contact an officer for any questions regarding Booster Club.